

Sharing our Dreams...Abadha, Antonia, a Reunion group... Please add yours in a comment or send them by email for posting!

We met in Westfield MA at the Genesis Spiritual Retreat Center.  We are a reunion group since 2008 meeting at least twice a year. Kathy Chowanec, Ann McGinty,Alison Buck,Elizabeth Reid,Kathryn Kollar and Roberta Whitney(not pictured)

We took photos of our creative forms after moving the question of what is our dream for the Authentic Movement Community:

Kathryn Kollar 9/29/2015
This is Alison Buck's wish:

Above is Ann McGinty  Her vision of the ground,  path and the portal to the future:

Kathy Chowanec

Elizabeth Reid envisioned the whole community flying with our diversity:

From Antonia Kao

My dream for Authentic Movement is that it support many of us (whomever resonates with the practice) in wellness ~ physical, spiritual, individual, collective ~ as we move through life.
This is a picture our 6 year old daughter drew after the first 1-on-1 Authentic Movement session I've ever done with her. It was a very brief 5 minute session two nights ago that arose from a tender week (for me and for her) where intense emotions arose in her and she lashed out at 4 kids.
The impulse to do this with her came during a conversation with her about ways/places to know/express our emotions for health without negatively impacting others.
I am so grateful for Authentic Movement. Two sessions this week have really helped me stay grounded and tender with myself, and with everyone involved.
From Abadha  in Puerto Pico

This one says:

To feel\ to be\ to Bretaña

Present\ to listen\ to let go

To liberate\ to walk\ to move
To respect\ to flow
By Laura

"we as a community can declare perfect health as a birth right".

For the whole community this was channeled byte Claudio Álvarez Drunn...he guided a meditation: Meditation of the Enlightened Heart from Drunvalo Melquicedeck. Its a scientific guidance for enlightenment. So after it they started moving...I witnessed. He received the message.

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