

I love her. By Liz Lurie

My first memory of Aileen is that her hands were so hot when she touched me during an Alexander session. They felt like furnaces as she deftly followed my body needs with her creative intuition.

Her devotion to the creative in herself and others is inspirational whether it be in her teaching, her calligraphy, her movement, drawing, journalling, sculpture …. Everything!

I think I am most blown away by her constant quest to discover and follow her life path in beautifully spiraling fluid ways; her youthful and joyous admiration of beauty wherever she sees it; whether in the way paint is peeling on a wall or birds flocking, flowers , some beads thrown out on someone’s lawn, it could be anything at all that inspires a deeply felt response that might appear, transformed, in her next artistic venture.

Trying to put my thoughts about Aileen into words, I realize how much I have gained by knowing her. How she has informed my life. Not only by her teaching (which is amazing)…… but in the way she lives her life.

I love her.

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