

A Survey Exploring Witness Consciousness by Paula Sager

I am currently working on a Master’s Thesis that looks at the role of “witness” in the process of self-development and asks the following questions:

Can those who develop a greater capacity to bear witness, both internally and externally, help support the development of individual consciousness in others? How can this capacity to be a witness be strengthened and developed?

I designed a survey for Authentic Movement practitioners as part of a phenomenological study of the roles of mover and witness in the discipline of Authentic Movement. While I have already assessed the data I received from the surveys, the editors of this site suggested that I post the survey here for anyone who would also like to explore and share these questions.
- Paula Sager

A Survey Exploring Witness Consciousness

The Mover’s Experience of the External Witness in Authentic Movement
I’m curious to know anything you can share about your experience as a mover in relationship to an external witness. Here are some possible questions to consider:

As a mover, has your experience of having an external witness changed over time?
What expectations do you have of an external witness?
Are there things that an external witness does that you find supportive?
Are there things that an external witness may do that you find unsupportive?
How would you describe the experience of “being seen” by an external witness?
Have there been times when you have not felt “seen” by an external witness?

The Mover’s Experience of the Internal Witness in Authentic Movement
I’m curious to know anything you can share about your experience as a mover in relationship to your own internal witness. Here are some possible questions to consider:

How do you experience your own inner witness?
Has your experience of your inner witness changed over time?
Is your experience of the inner witness different when you’re moving compared to when you’re witnessing? If so, how?

The Experience of the External Witness in Authentic Movement
I’m curious to know anything you can share about your experience as an external witness. Here are some possible questions to consider:

Is your experience of witnessing different from ordinary perceiving? If so, describe.
As an external witness, has your experience of the inner witness changed over time?
Can you name an inner hindrance or obstacle and how it compromises your ability to witness another?
Can you name an inner hindrance or obstacle and how it compromises your ability to witness yourself?
As an external witness, are there particular considerations that you weigh before offering verbal witnessing to a mover?

Have you had an experience of clear knowing by your inner witness while moving and/or while witnessing another mover? Please describe what you remember staying as close, in your language, to the actual experience as possible?

Is there anything further you want to add about being an external witness, being witnessed as a mover, or about your experience of the inner witness?

End of Survey ©2007 Paula Sager


Elizabeth Reid said...

I hope that you will share your data analysis result with the blog in the future. Wonderful, thoughtful, provocative questions!

Anonymous said...

Dear Paula,

Thank you for sharing these questions. I will copy them and ponder them as I find time.

I am beginning research to "marry" the practice of Authentic Movement with my current study in Music Thanatology (music for the dying using harp and voice) I am profoundly interested in the role of witness at the bedside of the dying, and of course the role of witness in general. I find my 21 years of practice in AM informs me at the bedside as witness, and I feel like it would be a valuable training for other Music I am writing a "thesis" on this.

Is is possible to get a copy of your thesis or any parts thereof that might be pertinent to my topic?

I would love to know more about what you have discovered....

catharine scherer

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